I now have a profile on linkedin. It has, well, very little information on it. Why? Because I still haven't finished my resume. It's... extremely strange trying to figure out how to word things in a way that "sells" me as a good job candidate (or indeed good at much of anything). I'm also not sure if I should be putting as my field the one which currently employs me or the one in which I think I might be tolerably happy in (i.e., I think I'm giving HR a try). Also not sure whether I should be listing my zipcode as the one in which I'm currently stuck or the one in which I'd prefer to be living in, say, 3 months. I'm open to suggestions.
Frustration update:
I think the resume will be finished with Adderall. I'm too scattered lately for my brain to function correctly. I'm frustrated to all hell with my class (seriously, potatoes, it's Twilight - please drum up some interest to pick it apart or bash it or whatever - even bashing it would bring up some kind of conversation that I could work with!), I'm behind on grading papers (it's been a week and a half now - I usually never take this long), I still have to finish that wretched book to finish teaching on Friday, I need to get my financial aid stuff taken care of for the summer/fall as I will still technically be a student, I REALLY need to finish a draft of the resume so I can get it out there, I need to help plan one of my best friend's bridal showers (I'm matron of honor and bride's mom is refusing to help with anything - long story, not mine), and I'm still trying to get some writing done on the novel.
Unfortunately, I've been feeling so pulled around that very little actually got done today (um, this week so far). Class was awful (I feel like I'm not doing a great job with the text, but I also feel like the fact that one person in the room actually did their homework (i.e., play on the google to find out some idea of the real extent of Twifandom) had something to do with it as well). (I'm apparently parenthetical happy right now - sorry for that!) I didn't get much sleep last night either. The upshot is that I got home, ate something, complained at mah forum ladies about my stupid morning, pixel farmed, and then stared at umpteen word docs to no effect whatsoever while listening to Doves' "Some Cities" album on repeat. I can't keep doing this, so it's back to the Adderall after the funeral.
Family/Life update:
We spent the evening at Brownie's uncle's house with his family, mostly listening to aunts and uncles and cousins compare eulogies for Brownie's grandpop's memorial. The family writ large has been inundated with food this week - apparently the main reason we all got together was that there was suddenly enough food from neighbors and other family members that help was rather desperately needed to eat some of it. I had no idea people still brought food to neighbors after a death in the family. I think it's awesome that it really does happen. The memorial service is tomorrow morning. Brownie's mom
I should be sleepy by this point. I'm exhausted, but I always seem to get something of a second wind along about 9:30/10. I *hate* the timing on this, because I need to go to sleep. The service tomorrow is at 8:30 way the hell at the other end of town. I love when I can use this time for noveling, but that's been like pulling teeth out of a pissed off yak the past couple of days. There's a fight that needs to happen that the characters don't seem ready to have yet, but that I need them to have within the next 12 or so hours of plot. I can't figure out if I'm forcing the fight when the characters aren't quite ready for it or if I just haven't hit the right head space to write it. I just can't hear it yet. I can hear the aftermath loud and clear, but not the fight. I'll have to backburner it for a few days and see what my brain dreams up while I'm working on other things. I don't exactly have time to novel at the moment anyway, sadly.
I have that same problem with the inconvenient timing of the second wind. Unfortunately, I also had to give up hope of trying to accomplish things of importance and socialize in person without the meds. Good luck with your novel. I hope it comes together!